Saturday, September 20, 2008
I shall allow myself to feel capable
-- so that I may seek excellence.
I shall allow myself to feel sadness
-- so that joy may return.
I shall allow myself to feel happy
-- so that I may be revitalised.
I shall allow myself to feel afraid
-- so that I may find courage.
I shall allow myself to feel alone
-- so that I may know me.
I shall allow myself to feel beautiful
-- so that I may feel free.
I shall allow myself to feel loveable
-- so that the loving may seek me.
I shall allow myself to feel pain
-- so that I may heal.
I shall allow myself to feel worthy
-- so that I may fulfil my purpose.
When I am centred, I see the
perfection in the world,
myself and others.
When I find the world to be imperfect, I will take
responsibility for painting it that way. I will look into
the heart of a rose, or the eyes of a
new-born baby and again know perfection.
I take responsibility for creating
my own life story through
the choices I have made
-- to blame others is to give away my personal power.
Who will I allow to write the next chapter of my life?
I shall make a small difference on this planet through the
work I do -- when I leave I will have done my share. I shall
live, love, laugh, and learn on my journey ...